Praise the Lord! We are so excited...its been a long wait, but Bridge of Love Home has officially reopened with new kids! We had never closed, although our dream seemed dead since 2012, when we had been given a new mission from the Lord to share the signs of Christ´s soon return. But the first kids we had here since 2004 remained under our care.
The first kids that were with us since 2004, all 7 of them, remain under our care, although Norma, Margarita and Deisy have gone on to marry and form their own homes. Edwin, Erik and Adriana are still with us, young adults now who are also able to help us in this new mission with new kids, alongside our own three kids, Melissa, Steve Jr, and Michael.
Over the last year, we have been working with the local, state and federal Mexican government offices to get our organization fully registered and functioning again. They have stepped in to give us the orientations we have needed, and to help us get all our paperwork ready and to be fully authorized to receive abandoned and abused children that need a home. Many different departments have been involved in helping us, and recently many government officials have visited our location and given us the approval we need to receive new kids.
Their are 4 new kids under our care, since Thursday December 22, 2016. Their names are Luis, 9, Marcos, 8, Romulo, 6, and Valentin, 3. They also have three more family members that have not come yet, because they are with the mom who has left town and they have been unable to track her down. The other 3 kids are also in abuse and neglect situatons, and will be transferred to our care when they have located them. 7 NEW KIDS AT BRIDGE OF LOVE HOME!!!
For now, the new four we have are quite a handful, but they are all such sweet and lovable kids with the ability to show great affection. They are very appreciative for this opportunity to be in a loving environment. Each one has their own issues and abuses they have suffered, and temperaments that will flare at a moments notice, but thank God that in only 10 days they have been with us we have already seen great changes. Please pray for this new phase we are beginning at Bridge of Love Home and for these four new kids we have living with us. Pray also for the family situation, and for the other three kids that still need to be transferred to our home.
Romulo and Marcos
Marcos and Valentin
If you would like to help financially with this project, you can do so for now through paypal. Soon we will have other ways to donate, for now we have setup a paypal account. Thank you for your help and prayers!